
Samsung Galaxy AI Free of Charge Until 2025: A Revolution in Smartphone Tech

Samsung Galaxy AI Free of Charge Until 2025: A Revolution in Smartphone Tech
Key Points
  • The company launched the S24 series with Galaxy AI.
  • Until 2025, all features of Galaxy AI will be free.
  • Real-time translation is one of many services provided by Galaxy AI.
  • In 2026, a paid version named “Galaxy AI+” might come out.

This was a major step forward in smartphone technology as the introduction of the Galaxy S24 series also brought about the unveiling of Samsung’s Galaxy AI.

It is designed to make tasks on smartphones easier and more intuitive by providing users with a range of tools driven by artificial intelligence. And the best part? All these functions will remain free until next year ends.

Samsung Galaxy AI: Free until 2025

The announcement has been made that seven different locations worldwide are going to host an exhibition where people can see what they can do with their galaxies powered by this new feature.

Samsung confirmed that throughout supported Galaxy devices galaxy AI features will be free until the end of 2025 but there might be some payment required starting from 2026 if you want these services on your phone.

There have been speculations about a premium version called “GalaxyAI+”, which would be paid for while leaving basic functions available for free – similar strategies have already been employed by other companies offering generative assistants based on artificial intelligence.

These moves follow trends set by other artificial intelligence such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Microsoft Copilot; initially, they were provided without any costs but then developers introduced additional options at certain prices which expanded their abilities significantly.

What Does It Do?

Circle to Search:

Together with Google, Samsung created Circle to Search – through circling objects on your display screen you can search for them making it more intuitive and context-aware than ever before. By pressing the home button you highlight anything else too – just tap it and get instant results from the search engine.

Chat Assist:

Real-time message translation in 13 languages with suggested replies and phrases for smooth conversation across different tongues – just what you need when chatting with someone who doesn’t speak your language.

This is particularly important in today’s globalized world where communication should be seamless no matter what nation we come from or how many miles separate us.


A real-time translation tool displaying translations on split-screen so both parties can read along even without internet access. It’s perfect for traveling abroad or meeting foreigners who don’t understand each other’s languages as it allows them to communicate with ease and enjoy their time together without any language barriers getting in the way.

Photo Assist:

Generative editing tools are utilized by Photo Assist which enables users to enlarge or edit photos for better quality making it easier to capture those perfect moments that they want to share with others.

There are several reasons why Samsung has decided to offer these functionalities free of charge until 2025. Firstly, this will allow people to try out AI-enhanced features without committing themselves financially thus increasing the adoption rate and dependence upon such tools.

Secondly, during this period the company will receive valuable feedback from users regarding their experiences which might help them further improve these options before deciding whether or not there should be a paid version.

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